Upscale programs help fresh graduates to get the right skills

How It Works

Sign up

Ready to kickstart your career journey? Signing up with Upscale is your first step toward unlocking a world of opportunities. Let's get started together!

Choose Program

Explore our diverse range of programs tailored to your interests and career goals. Whether you're into business, creative arts, engineering, or health, there's a program waiting for you.

Assesment & Evaluation

Once you've chosen your program, we'll guide you through a personalized assessment to understand your strengths and areas for growth. This helps us tailor the experience for your success.

Sponsors Will Sponsor You

Get ready for the support you need! Our sponsors are eager to back your journey, providing not just financial support but valuable mentorship and industry insights.

To Be Graduted

Work hard, learn, and excel in your chosen program. We're here to guide you through the ups and downs. Graduation is not just an end but a beginning to new opportunities.

Go Throughout Employers Network

Connect with a vast network of employers actively seeking talent like you. Showcase your skills, achievements, and aspirations through our platform.

Go For Interview

Ready to shine? We'll help you prepare and connect you with employers for interviews. Put your best foot forward – you've got this!

Get Hired

Congratulations! With your skills, determination, and our network, you're all set to land your dream job. Welcome to the exciting world of professional success!

Register Now and Change yout whole company's future

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I enroll in the training program?

Enrolling is easy! Visit our website and navigate to the "Enroll Now" section to kickstart your journey.

Are there any requirements to enroll in the training program?

We aim to make it accessible for everyone! Check the specific program page for details on any prerequisites.

In what field is the training program available?

Upscale offers a diverse range of programs! Explore our catalog to find the perfect match for your career aspirations.

Will I receive a certificate after the training? Which companies will provide the training?

Absolutely! Upon successful completion, you'll earn a certification. Our training programs are developed in collaboration with leading industry experts and companies committed to your success.

What is the duration of the training course?

The duration varies depending on the program. Check the program details for specific timelines.

Will I be hired by a company after completing the training course?

We aim to bridge the gap between training and employment. Upscale collaborates with top companies, increasing your chances of landing a great opportunity post-training. Your success is our priority!